Divide this text into sentences and correct mistakes: 1. "What's up guys, it's Fran. Thanks for clicking to watch this video." 2. "So, if you didn't know, I used to be in the Air Force. My job in the risk was financial management comptroller, so basically I worked in the finance office." 3. "I did customer service, and then now, none of them out of the Air Force, I actually work for the Defense Finance and Accounting Services or Defense." 4. "They're the ones who are contracted by the federal government to pay for everybody who's a part of the Department of Defense, which includes the military members and all civilian members as well." 5. "So my job at eFax is still basically working on military pay. I'm still considered a military pay technician, as I was when I was in the Air Force." 6. "The only difference is now that I work at defense, I work mostly with retired or separated members in their debt management." 7. "But when I was still in the Air Force, my job was customer service. So basically, I worked at a counter and would answer questions throughout the day." 8. "I did paperwork for let's remember to update their pain management and stuff like that." 9. "So today specifically, I wanted to come and give advice on how to read your LES (Leave and Earnings Statement)." 10. "Your Leave and Earnings Statement is basically a pay stub. If you guys have never had a job before, you know that you'd get a pay stub every time that you get paid." 11. "For the military, a pay stub is called a leave and earning statement. A leave and earnings statement basically details everything that has to do with your pay for that month." 12. "It gives you other nations such as your exemptions if you marry,...
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How to read an les air force Form: What You Should Know
What's included in my statement? A Summary of Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) How to read a National Guard Leave and This guide to understanding your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) will help you understand How to read Your LEA It's simple, and a lot of fun… Read it here. What is your LEA? It's your monthly statement of your earned pay, contributions, and deductions. Learn more by reading the LEA: What it Is and How to Use It. How to Read a Military Leave and This handout is published as a guide (PDF file) to assist members with understanding their LEA, which is the monthly statement of their pay and deductions. The LEA consists of a Summary Report and a Statement of Earnings (FOR). The Statement of Earnings is the only one that members are required to file and review. Learn more by reading the LEA: What it is and How to Use It (PDF). How to Read a Reserve Military Leave and The Military LES is similar to the LES required to be filed by other branches of the government, but each service sets its own rules for what information is required, which information to include, and what is not. In contrast to the LES required of other employees, members of the armed forces receive their LES by a special order. The military service member may receive the LES even if there are no other pay or deposit rules in effect for the service member. Each service determines what information to provide and the amount of information to include. Learn more about the Military LEA.
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